Satoshi Inoue
New York based Jazz Guitarist
(My last name is pronounced E-no-oo-ay, it almost sounds like IN-NO-WAY)

Updated Info

News! 2006.12.21
Schedule 06.10.18
Link 2002.9.24
2001.8.7 English Version started.

CD release party @Bluenote New York on Christmas Day
Come celebrate the holiday season with the Satoshi Inoue Quartet as they play music from their new release, "Melodic Compositions"! Please seeSchedulefor more info.

Satoshi Inoue came back from touring in Japan(14 venues) to promote new CD release "Melodic Compositions". You can hear some sound sample at
Now all of my CDs including the latest "Melodic Compositions"are available at Cadence. Please look for " main search" at thier site.
Also, available at
If you are interested to buy one directly from me,please email me. Address is here.

Japan Tour with Toshiko Akiyoshi Group from Nov to Dec 2005, was successful. Here's Some photoes.
With Toshiko Akiyoshi
Satoshi Trio with Peter Washington and Kenny Washington

I play every Sunday night at Steak house in Upper West: Roth's Westside Steak House. ClickSchedulefor more info.
Hope to see you there!